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Weight & Shape Report From Cell Wellbeing -

Epigenetic Hair Analysis Supported Weight Loss​

How Epigenetic Hair Analysis Testing Informs the New Weight & Shape Report from Cell Wellbeing?

Hair can serve as a biomarker in various contexts due to its ability to provide valuable information about an individual's health & exposures. Hair growth occurs over a period of time, allowing it to potentially capture a historical record of exposures & physiological changes.


As it grows, human hair incorporates compounds that have circulated in the body. Hair analysis can offer indications of an individual's nutritional status by measuring mineral & nutrient levels incorporated into the hair during growth.


Cell Wellbeing epigenetic hair follicle analysis is a new type of hair test that was developed in Germany to assess & address environmental exposures that cause epigenome changes and contribute to nutritional & hormonal imbalances. Cell Wellbeing’s proprietary S-Drive technology relies on hair & bulb resonance information, combined with remote computer calculations, to reveal challenges that the underlying systems of the body have been experiencing over time.


The S-Drive provides a personalized, real-time overview of underlying metabolic conditions which determine wellness & wellbeing. It offers a snapshot of one’s nutritional profile, including levels of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids & antioxidants. A CWB hair scan also highlights environmental influences such as viruses, parasites, toxins & EMF exposure that could be negatively affecting your cellular, immune & metabolic health.


To offer this innovative new type of hair analysis to your clients, visit

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