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Permanent Non-Surgical Solution For ED
✔ Achieve Powerful Sustained Erections
✔ Increase Performance
✔ Improve Sensitivity
✔ Gain Size and Stamina
✔ Enhanced Libido & Pleasure
✔ Intense Orgasms
✔ Eliminate Pre-mature Ejaculation
✔ Boost Your Confidence
Go Longer, Stronger & Harder! Be a BEAST in the bedroom!
California Physicians Group
We use the highest quality regenerative biologics, containning key growth factors, cytokines, amino acids, hyaluronic acid, extra cellular matrix proteins, vascular endothelial growth factor, and collagen types I, III, IV, V, VII. One treatment is all that is needed to achieve sexual wellness.
Sex must be a planned event. Patients are required to either take PDE-5 pills, use a VSD pump, or self inject their penis before sex. These treatments last for a short period of time and are required for each sexual encounter. No real solution is attained.
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